Strong collaborating teams benefits every organization and makes the event or project a great success and achieve miraculous results! Through this workshop and with the help of various games, exercises and fun activities the participants will learn what makes up a good team and how to develop a successful team and become a good team member. It will also teach participants on managing conflict constructively since conflict is quite natural when people are there in any organization, but if it left unchecked or not resolved it can lead to many unproductive activities, loss of productivity, mistrust and work politics. Bringing team members together as High Performance Team can be a challenging task and requires understanding techniques of fostering collaboration, creating trust and managing conflicts constrictively. This workshop identifies these challenges and helps participants develop the skills to achieve amazing results.
Fostering Collaboration, Trust & Conflict Resolution
Indicative Coverage
- Micro Lab & Fun Games for bringing Togetherness
- Inspiring Examples of Trust & Collaboration. Benefits of High-Performance Teams.
- Team Building Exercise and discussion on how we could have improved it.
- Trust Matrix. Four Cores of our Credibility. Behaviors of High Trust
- Case study on Trust
- Building High Performance Teams: Promote Understanding of Big Picture, Have Common Goals, Provide Adequate Knowledge & Training, Facilitate Effective Interaction & Meetings, Providing Timely, Constructive Feedback, Viewing Mistakes as Opportunities.
- Creating an Environment of Trust & Collaboration
- Pitfalls to be avoided when Building a Team
- Tips on Building trust and support from superiors and colleague
- Game on Conflict Resolution
- Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution and Trust Building
- Rewarding in Private / Criticizing in Public
- Learning from Examples of Team Excellence from the Industry